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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


1) Introduction
2) Definition
3) Positive Aspect of Green Marketing
4) Negative Aspect of Green Marketing
5) Problems with going green
6) Green Marketing strategies that different firms should adopt
7) Green Code
8) Choosing the right Green Marketing Straregy
The promotion of environmentally safe or beneficial products, green marketing began in
Europe in the early 1980s when specific products were identified as being harmful to the
earth’s atmosphere.  As a  result,  new “green” products were  introduced  that  were  less
damaging to the environment. The concept caught on in the United States and has been
gaining steadily ever since.
Divergent aspects of green marketing include ecologically safer products, recyclable and
biodegradable   packaging,   energy-efficient   operations,   and   better   pollution   controls.
Advances produced from green marketing include packaging made from recycled paper,
phosphate-free detergents,  refillable containers for cleaning products,  and bottles using
less plastic.
As today’s consumers become more conscious of the natural environment, businesses are
beginning to modify their own thoughts and behavior in an attempt to address the
concerns of consumers. Green marketing is becoming more important to businesses
because of the consumer’s genuine concerns about our limited resources on the earth. By
implementing green marketing measures to save the earth’s resources in production,
packaging, and operations, businesses are showing consumers they too share the same
concerns, boosting their credibility
Pride and Ferrell (1993) Green marketing, also alternatively known as environmental
marketing and sustainable marketing, refers to an organization.s efforts at designing,
promoting, pricing and distributing products that will not harm the environment
Polonsky (1994) defines green marketing as .all activities designed to generate and
facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the
satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs, with minimal detrimental impact on the
natural environment .
Elkington (1994: 93) defines green consumer as one who avoids products that are likely
to endanger the health of the consumer or others; cause significant damage to the
environment during manufacture, use or disposal; consume a disproportionate amount of
energy; cause unnecessary waste; use materials derived from threatened species or
environments; involve unnecessary use of, or cruelty to animals ;adversely affect other
1) First and foremost, a good green marketing program is one that either: adds renewables
that would not already be added or supports renewable projects that might not otherwise continue to operate. If these things are already happening and being paid for by all, then
the program doesn't  meet  the bottom-line test: green marketing programs must make a
2)  A  sign of   a  good green marketing program  is  one   that  has  strong   links   to  local
environmental   groups  and   that   achieves   broad   support   among   regional   and   national
groups with an interest in promoting renewable power. Public Service of Colorado, for
example, has developed a close working partnership with the Land and Water Fund and
other environmental groups in the state.
3) A green marketer that is seriously interested in greening the electric system will have a
program that is linked to a larger vision and a strategic plan for making renewables an
increasingly  larger  part  of   the generation mix.  A good example of   this  is Central  and
Southwest's recent decision to acquire a significant amount of renewables capacity, with
the  intent  of  ratebasing a good portion of   it,  and subscribing  the  rest   through a green
pricing program.
4)  For  green marketing programs   to be  successful   in  the  long  run,   they  should both
improve  the environment  and be  fair   to consumers.  Prices   should not  be excessively
higher than the actual cost of the resources in the portfolio. This is particularly true for
green   pricing   programs,   which   are   scrutinized   by   regulators,   and   in   imperfectly
competitive markets,  because  in  these cases,   there  is no  real  competition  in  the green
market.   In markets  that  are vibrantly competitive and  in which consumers have good
information, this is less of a problem since lower-cost providers can compete to displace
those providers charging excessive prices.
1) Selling green power at a mark-up that would have been produced anyway with the cost
shared by all. An example of this would be renewable power that is already included or
would be   included  in  a  utility's   ratebase  without   the  green program.  These   types  of
programs sell nothing as if it is something, which is worse than doing no green marketing
at all, because these programs are fundamentally unfair and breed consumer cynicism. If
we permit  these  types of programs to occur,  they will  undermine  the market  for  those
marketers who are actually making a difference.
2)   Programs   that   do   not   in   some  way  directly  benefit   the   renewable   generator.  An
example of this would be a utility that has an existing power purchase contract with a
renewable generator, but does not flow any benefit through to the generator.
3) Programs that make false claims and do not adequately inform consumers about the
nature   of   their   product.   For   example,   selling   "nuclear   and   coal   free"   power  when
consumer  dollars  are   sent   to a  nuclear-  and  coal-owning utility.  This   is  a   recipe   for
creating   cynicism,   once   the   anti-nuclear   consumers   find  out   their   dollars  have   been
channeled to the owners of plants they dislike. Electrons and dollars are fungible, so, in
these kinds cases, unless the marketer can prove to the public that the consumer dollars
they are collecting do not in any way support the nuclear and coal plants,  and support
only the resources claimed as "green," such claims should not be made. This is not to say that portfolios necessarily need to be nuclear- and coal-free for marketers to make green
claims, but marketers should not misrepresent their portfolio.
4) Collecting premiums in exchange for vague promises to build renewables in the future.
Consumers   should not  be asked  to pay  for   someone else's   investment  when  they get
nothing in return, and when no tangible benefit to society results.
 One of  the main problems  is  that  firms using green marketing must  ensure  that   their
activities  are not  misleading  to consumers  or   industry,  and do not  breach any of   the
regulations or laws dealing with environmental marketing. Another problem firms face is
that those who modify their products due to increased consumer concern must contend
with the fact that consumers' perceptions are sometimes not correct like in McDonald's
case where it has replaced its clam shells with plastic coated paper. When firms attempt to
become socially responsible, they may face the risk that the environmentally responsible
action of today will be found to be harmful in the future. This may explain why some
firms, like Coca-Cola and Walt Disney World, are becoming socially responsible without
publicizing the point. They may be protecting themselves from potential future negative
backlash, if it is determined they made the wrong decision in the past.
Governments want to modify consumer behavior   thus they need to establish a different
set   of   regulations   and   sometimes  may   result   in   a   proliferation   of   regulations   and
guidelines, with no one central controlling body.
Reacting to competitive pressures can cause all "followers" to make the same mistake as
the   "leader."  A  costly example  of   this  was   the  Mobil  Corporation who  followed  the
competition and introduced "biodegradable" plastic garbage bags. While technically these
bags were biodegradable, the conditions under which they were disposed did not allow
biodegradation  to occur.  Mobil  was   sued  by  several  US  states   for  using  misleading
advertising claims . Thus blindly following the competition can have costly ramifications.
End-of-pipe solutions may not actually reduce the waste but rather shift it around, though
it  may minimize  its short   term affects.  Ultimately most  waste produced will  enter  the
waste stream, therefore to be environmentally responsible organizations should attempt to
minimize their waste, rather than find "appropriate" uses for it.
Green marketing has been widely adopted by the firms worldwide and the following are
the possible reasons cited for this wide adoption:
As demands change, many firms see these changes as an opportunity to be exploited and
have   a   competitive   advantage   over   firms  marketing   non-environmentally  responsible
alternatives. Some example of firms who have strived to become more environmentally responsible, in an attempt to better satisfy their consumer needs are:
• McDonald's   replaced   its   clam  shell   packaging  with  waxed   paper   because   of
increased   consumer   concern   relating   to   polystyrene   production   and   Ozone
• Tuna manufacturers modified  their   fishing  techniques because of   the  increased
concern over driftnet fishing, and the resulting death of dolphins.
• Xerox  introduced a "high quality"  recycled photocopier paper  in an attempt   to
satisfy the demands of firms for less environmentally harmful products.
Many firms are beginning to realize that they are members of the wider community and
therefore  must   behave   in   an   environmentally   responsible   fashion   thus   resulting   in
environmental issues being integrated into the firm's corporate culture. 
An example of a firm that does not promote its environmental initiatives is Coca-Cola
which  invested  large sums of money  in various  recycling activities,  as well  as having
modified their packaging to minimize its environmental impact. Another firm who is very
environmentally   responsible   but   does   not   promote   this   fact,   at   least   outside   the
organization,   is  Walt  Disney  World   (WDW)  with   an   extensive  waste  management
program and infrastructure.
 Governmental  regulations relating to environmental  marketing are designed to protect
consumers   through   regulations   designed   to   control   the   amount   of   hazardous  wastes
produced   by   firms     by   issuing   of   various   environmental   licenses,   thus  modifying
organizational behavior.  In some cases governments try to "induce" final consumers to
become more responsible by taxing individuals who act in an irresponsible fashion. For
example in Australia there is a higher gas tax associated with leaded petrol.
Another  major   force   in   the   environmental  marketing   area   has   been   firms'   desire   to
maintain their competitive position. In many cases firms observe competitors promoting
their environmental behaviors and attempt to emulate this behavior. In some instances this
competitive   pressure   has   caused   an   entire   industry   to  modify   and   thus   reduce   its
detrimental environmental behavior. For example, it could be argued that Xerox's "Revive
100% Recycled paper" was   introduced a  few years  ago  in an attempt   to address   the
introduction of recycled photocopier paper by other manufacturers. In another example
when one tuna manufacture stopped using driftnets the others followed suit.
Disposing  of   environmentally harmful  by-products,   such  as  polychlorinated biphenyl
(PCB) contaminated oil are becoming increasingly costly and in some cases difficult. In
minimizing wastes firms often develop more effective production processes that reduces
the need for some  raw materials  thus serving as a double cost  savings.   In other cases
firms attempt to find end-of-pipe solutions, instead of minimizing waste by trying to find markets or uses for their waste materials, where one firm's waste becomes another firm's
input of production.
G eneralise with care. Consumer behaviour will not necessarily be consistent across
different product types, and particular market segments may respond to certain issues on
the green agenda but not others.
R emember, the validity of a piece of market research is not related to the degree to which
it supports your preferred option.
E xplore the context from which market research data comes. Be clear on the nature of
the sample used, the questions asked, the way in which responses were recorded and the
time and place from which the responses come.
E nsure that where market research is crossing international borderlines, that the
terminology and interpretation remains consistent. Terms like ‘environment’, ‘green’  and
‘conservation’  do not always translate precisely between languages.
N eutrality is important. Ensure that when you pose questions to consumers, that they can
make any response without being made to feel guilty or uncomfortable, and ensure that
your own preconceptions about the green agenda (such as an assumption that green
products will cost extra) are not encoded within the questions.
Green  marketing has  not   lived up  to  the  hopes   and dreams  of  many managers   and
activists. Although public opinion polls consistently show that consumers would prefer to
choose a green product over one that is less friendly to the environment when all other
things are equal,   those "other  things" are  rarely equal   in  the minds of consumers.And
hopes for green products also have been hurt by the perception that such products are of
lower quality or don't really deliver on their environmental promises.Yet the news isn't all
bad,  as the growing number of people willing to pay a premium for green products —
from organic foods to energy-efficient appliances — attests.
How,   then,   should companies  handle  the  dilemmas  associated with green marketing?
They must always keep in mind that consumers are unlikely to compromise on traditional
product   attributes,   such   as   convenience,   availability,   price,   quality  and   performance.
Since there is no single green-marketing strategy that is right for every company experts
suggest  that  companies should follow one of four strategies,  depending on market and
competitive conditions, from the relatively passive and silent "lean green" approach to the
more aggressive and visible "extreme green" approach — with "defensive green" and
"shaded green" in between. Managers who understand these strategies and the underlying reasoning behind them will be better prepared to help their companies benefit from an
environmentally friendly approach to marketing.
Green marketing covers  more  than a  firm's marketing claims.  While  firms must  bear
much of the responsibility for environmental degradation, the responsibility should not be
theirs alone.
Ultimately green marketing requires that consumers want a cleaner environment and are
willing   to   "pay"   for   it,   possibly   through   higher   priced   goods,  modified   individual
lifestyles, or even governmental intervention. Until this occurs it will be difficult for firms
alone to lead the green marketing revolution.
Having said this, it must not be forgotten that the industrial buyer also has the ability to
pressure   suppliers   to   modify   their   activities.   Thus   an   environmental   committed
organization may not only produce goods that have reduced their detrimental impact on
the environment, they may also be able to pressure their suppliers to behave in a more
environmentally "responsible" fashion. Final consumers and industrial buyers also have
the ability  to pressure  organizations   to  integrate  the environment   into  their  corporate
culture and thus ensure all organizations minimize the detrimental environmental impact
of their activities. Thus green marketing should look at minimizing environmental harm,
not necessarily eliminating it.

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